Friday, August 1, 2008

Whoa...I am not good at this.

Since the last time I posted, a great deal has happened. Happened is too passive a word, but it will have to do.
  • We bought and moved in to our new house.
  • I have subsequently started remodeling the over 100 year-old home. It will be so beautiful when I am finished (a.k.a. broke).
  • I became pregnant. Ia m now almost 16 weeks. fear not. this will not become a pregnancy blog (that is reserved for other, more boring places).
  • I have already started going to the obstetrician and had my first ultrasound at 13 1/2 weeks (see photo). I do enjoy displaying my vagina to random men and allowing them to insert random things inside of me. I actually pay them to do it.
  • I am going to be teaching this fall. All has been arranged and I have completed my training course. Am I ready? Absolutely not.