Sunday, September 21, 2008

For Really

I have finally finished remodeling my livingroom. What started off as a weekend project, ended up taking over a month to complete. Oh popcorn textured walls, I am so glad to be rid of you!!!

I have spent my entire weekend in this room...even sleeping on the couch last night. I am truly glad to have it completed. It feels so peaceful.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I am trying to write my Honor's thesis. Since I was able to choose, I assumed my uber-interesting topic would make things easier for me. Indeed, it has not. My unorganized way of writing is not conducive to such a lengthy paper and I am starting to hate myself for it. Like, really hate myself.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I just think my son is adorable. That is all
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Friday, September 12, 2008

We shall see...

I bought a new laptop. It's pretty nifty. Hopefully this will result in more blog posts as well as an improvement in my educational pursuits. We shall see.

Teaching is going well. I have taught for three weeks now and I just learned everyone's name. Of course we only meet twice a week, but still. I am so bad with names. I only learned their names based on all of the papers I have had them write thus far. It's pretty cool to recognize each personality within the paper...although I didn't remember their names,I did remember each face and personality. Do I get points for that?

Off to my prenatal visit.

All I want to do is nap!!!!!