Change is a strange thing, though, that can occur all at once or gradually without anyone really noticing. I'm sure most things fall in the latter category.
I have changed a lot in the past years. Now I know this.
I have two kids--two people who rely on me for EVERYTHING! Although one of them is learning to wipe his own butt, they are two tiny people who need me nonetheless.
I own my house and a new car. Also, a washer and dryer. Everyone knows not having to go to the laundromat or visit your parents' house to wash your clothes is a clear sign of adulthood.
I am about to graduate from college!
When did this shit happen?
The last time I took an inventory of my life I was the goth/grunge chick who never washed her hair and who drove a station wagon. I was the girl who worked over time at a fast food restaurant so she didn't have to see her mother. I was the girl with big boobs who read all the time. (Oh, wait, that last one is still true).
Apparently I have been gleefully absent from my own life and in the mean time I have turned into an adult. I'm okay with it, I guess. I still wear pajamas all weekend, eat ice cream from the container and enjoy staying out late with friends. I still listen to my music really loud in the car and I still cry every time I watch Lion King. I intend to keep doing these things. It all seems to jive with the whole "adulthood" thing.
I dreaded becoming an adult because it meant working hard all the time and drinking coffee to live and complaining about everything. I do those things. But I also still do those other things that make me feel young and silly and happy.
I won't be going anywhere anytime soon.
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