I can listen to music as loud as I want while I am driving. Children have what I imagine to be cute little sensitive eardrums. I know this isn't so much true as it is my projection of guilt over ruining eardrums because I want to listen to the Wicked soundtrack as loud as I possibly can. Who am I to rob them of their sense of hearing? I'll let them do that themselves when they go through that phase in high school.
I see interesting things along the way as well. One of my favorite sights is a small church with huge graveyard next to it. Oh yeah, it also has a playground right in the graveyard. Who thought this was a good idea? Do the kids like it? Do they even know it's weird? I don't know any of these things, but I do know that I can't help but laugh a little every time I see it. I need to take a picture of this place! I also pass two gas stations, a mom n pop shop, and a Dollar General. That's it. Other than a few houses, it's basically just me and the creepy playground. Oh and some Amish people.
The other day, I saw a farmer harvesting his field. It was amazing! This farmer had two huge machines and a semi-truck following behind to catch the harvest. Then, I saw the Amish farm which was using a horse and some little metal thing (Clearly I need to brush up on my farming jargon) along with a few guys working REALLY hard. There is a story there somewhere though for now it will remain an anecdote. Also, Amish guys are kinda hot (inbreeding aside).
Speaking of awesome people, I saw a naked lady the other day. She was going out to get her mail wrapped only in a blanket. The wind must have decided she should show the world her aged body and, really, she didn't much fight it. Next time, I hope she realizes the power to be had in accepting one's desire to be naked in public. Embrace it, naked lady. Embrace it. Or just put on clothes instead of a blanket.