Monday, January 5, 2009

Sorry, Blog

Apologizing for not writing is like apologizing to your grandma. No excuse is good enough and no matter what you feel guilty and slightly annoyed. Whatever.

I need to write more. I feel better after writing even the lamest of blogs so here I am.

I am currently counting down the days until my new baby gets here: 15 days left (hopefully less)! I am actually timing contractions as I type, hoping they will progress, but that seems unlikely at this point. My fingers are crossed anyway.

Unfortunately, this baby will likely result in the continued neglect of this blog...who knew such a tiny, web-cluttering blog could cause such distress in its writer!

Anyway, rest assured that it is here where I will vent, explore, explain, complain or just discuss when I indeed have the time. I need you more than you need me blog. I will not abandon you.