Thursday, February 18, 2010


I recently made the decision to start working out. I have made this decision many times. Here's hoping this one sticks!

I decided I was in need of an amazing playlist, something to keep me motivated. It has been aptly titled "Motivate", of course. I like to imagine Jillian Michaels yelling at me.

Although I have yet to hit the gym, I decided to take the playlist for a spin while riding my stationary bike.

It worked.

And although I was exhausted and my boy howdy was kinda sore, I felt good overall.

What is it about music that can make or break a workout? Mine is full of powerful women screaming. Horns are involved, of course, as are fast-paced rhythms. It ranges from Country (Dixie Chicks) to punk cabaret (Dresden Dolls) to ska (Dance Hall Crashers) and of course, I threw in a little Guns n' Roses for good measure.

Here's hoping I have found the right playlist recipe to keep me going.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Our house looks beautiful covered in snow.

The neighborhood has been transformed!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


(No, this is not a post about a certain beloved wizard. It is about books and remembering and remembering books.)

I have read many books in my life. Some were assigned, and some were for leisure. I have always been a bookworm. Recently, I read a book called, How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read by Pierre Bayard. In this book, Bayard describes various levels of reading which may result in a person having read a book and not actually remembering anything about said book.

This got me thinking. Could I have an intellectual discussion about any of the books I have read? I can't even remember who wrote The Scarlet Letter so a discussion on that one is out. Was Pride and Prejudice the one about the sisters and the weddings? Yeah? That's all I got. I have read these books. Really, I have.

How is that I can't remember something I spent so much time with? How will I ever successfully read classic novels and actually remember them? Can I be a good English major when I can't even remember the basic plot of The Great Gatsby? Or does everyone forget these classics and just pretend to have read and enjoy them?

Is it worse to have read and forgotten these books than to have never read them at all?

Mortal Syntax

As an English major I am expected to speak correctly at all times, write correctly at all times, and to know all things grammar-related. (I am also expected to have read every book known to man, but that is another topic). I am the worst grammarian primarily because it interests me. I read into everything and confuse myself. I enjoy trying to learn, but the end, I am dumber than when first started. The search for someone or something that can guide me down the rocky path that is understanding the English language is important. Thankfully, I stumbled upon this book.

Mortal Syntax
by June Casagrande, (author of Grammar Snobs are Great Big Meanies) has been my recent pre-sleep reading. The book is simple and clear and funny. She describes why certain things are wrong, but more importantly, when it's okay to break the rules. I have actually learned a few things. Also, a few things have been clarified for me (subjunctive tense).

I suggest this book for anyone interested in learning a little about grammar or for anyone who needs a refresher course. The book is also a great tool with which to arm yourself. Inevitably, some jerk will decide to confront you about your imperfect grammar. He will have no idea you are ready to clobber him with wit and knowledge. This book will prepare you for just such a battle.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Amazing Horse

This is a test

I just wanted to see how amazing my phone can be. It turns out, it's pretty effing awesome.


I only blogged once in 2009?!

I am way too addicted to the internet for this to be possible!

If I am not here, find me here:

I am usually doing something amazing!

Since You Been Gone

I realize that is a grammatically incorrect title, but it's catchy, right. That's all that matters. English changes and adapts according to the linguistic needs of the people. For example, we no longer say "ye" because as speakers of English we no longer wanted to look like nerds who said "ye". Change is good.

Change is a strange thing, though, that can occur all at once or gradually without anyone really noticing. I'm sure most things fall in the latter category.

I have changed a lot in the past years. Now I know this.

I have two kids--two people who rely on me for EVERYTHING! Although one of them is learning to wipe his own butt, they are two tiny people who need me nonetheless.

I own my house and a new car. Also, a washer and dryer. Everyone knows not having to go to the laundromat or visit your parents' house to wash your clothes is a clear sign of adulthood.

I am about to graduate from college!

When did this shit happen?

The last time I took an inventory of my life I was the goth/grunge chick who never washed her hair and who drove a station wagon. I was the girl who worked over time at a fast food restaurant so she didn't have to see her mother. I was the girl with big boobs who read all the time. (Oh, wait, that last one is still true).

Apparently I have been gleefully absent from my own life and in the mean time I have turned into an adult. I'm okay with it, I guess. I still wear pajamas all weekend, eat ice cream from the container and enjoy staying out late with friends. I still listen to my music really loud in the car and I still cry every time I watch Lion King. I intend to keep doing these things. It all seems to jive with the whole "adulthood" thing.

I dreaded becoming an adult because it meant working hard all the time and drinking coffee to live and complaining about everything. I do those things. But I also still do those other things that make me feel young and silly and happy.

I won't be going anywhere anytime soon.


Reviewing my prior posts, I realized I suck at this. Also, I realized I am still doing the same things I was and it is probably a good thing that I haven't been rambling for the last year and a half.

"I am trying to write my Honor's thesis. Since I was able to choose, I assumed my uber-interesting topic would make things easier for me. Indeed, it has not. My unorganized way of writing is not conducive to such a lengthy paper and I am starting to hate myself for it. Like, really hate myself" -Me, September 2009.

I am still working on this paper. I need only finish a few things, but this project has plagued my existence ever since this point. Not only this, but I obviously did not relay the epic nature of my hatred for this project and for my ability to plan and focus on something. This paper was ripped from my soul and printed using blood, but I finished it. I will try harder next time.

This (nearly) finished project is actually amazing and I am very proud of it. It was this paper, in fact, that got me accepted to graduate school.

Perhaps all of my blog energy was simply reallocated for this paper. I have also completed my Women's and Gender Studies thesis and am nearly finished with my English thesis so the energy is no longer needed there.

I am back. Focused, and ready to write to my heart's content.